Why ELI5?

About the Site


“Explain Like I’m Five”

Bitcoin can be a confusing thing.

The technology behind it is complicated. It’s creator, or creators, were incredibly well-versed in the areas of cryptography, mathematics and computer programming… fields that not too many people are experts in. So when you ask for an explanation about what bitcoin is, you can expect a wide array of responses.

These responses range from overly technical, to overly simplified. In a technical explanation, you will come across terminology and concepts that take years to fully comprehend. At this point, eyes start to glaze over and the interest one may have had in bitcoin is quickly lost. When you ask for a simplified response, it rarely succeeds in explaining the technology and the ramifications it could have on the world.

This site was created to blend the two types of explanations. We want people to understand the basics of bitcoin and how it can make the world a better place. We also believe its potential can only be fully understood when you understand the technology. Our job is to bridge the gap between simplified and technical understandings of cryptocurrency. We start by “explaining it like you’re five” and then build on those concepts to create a well-rounded idea of what bitcoin is all about.

Bitcoin has the potential to change the world. It stands for decentralization and giving everyone access to the same opportunities. Bitcoin doesn't judge and it doesn’t exclude. That’s why we made this site.

Everyone deserves to understand technology with this much potential for good.